Announcements for students

If you are interested in doing mathematics next summer and would like to work with faculty and students from other institutions, you might like to look over a list of NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates. Women students who would like to take mathematics seminars from women mathematicians should consider the summer programs at The George Washington University, and Carlton and St. Olaf Colleges. If you can only spend a week or two on math this summer, see what the undergraduate lecture course is at the Program for Women in Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton or learn about applied statistics at Berkeley’s Explorations in Statistics Research. If you are a US citizen and a very strong math major at Haverford, I would be happy to nominate you for the Director’s Summer Program, one of the summer programs for college students at the National Security Agency. (The deadline for nomination is October 15.) If you can devote an entire semester to mathematics and want to study abroad, check out the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. If you get inspired by a summer program and want to spend a lifetime doing math, consider going to graduate school (click on Graduate Study) and following in the footsteps of Haverford alumni.

My favorite Web sites

Check out the Two Trains and a Fly problem at the Math Forum’s page on classic math problems. Download math software for the Mac. Read biographies of women mathematicians on a page at Agnes Scott College. Learn about mathematicians who were born or died today at the University of St Andrews. Title Text Search on “mathematics” in Quotes at the Internet Movie Database. Tell me about your favorite sites!
