
Before joining the Haverford faculty in 1991, Lynne Butler was an assistant professor of mathematics at Princeton and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications. She attended college at The University of Chicago and graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she earned her Ph.D. in mathematics under the direction of Richard Stanley. She has chaired the mathematics department and served as Associate Provost at Haverford College. Details of her professional activities are below and in her 2019 resume.

Background and experience: education received; academic postions held; invited talks presented.

Funded professional activities: grants awarded; summer teaching and consulting pursued; papers recently published and error found.

Professional service: appointed and elected offices held; mathematics programs evaluated; conferences organized.

Visit Laurie Butler‘s home page to learn about Lynne’s identical twin, a physical chemist at The University of Chicago. After looking at Laurie’s picture, see if you can guess who’s who in the picture at right. Lynne had just recoverd from back surgery and was thrilled to hike with her twin.
